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HPE (Q1X74AAE) SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Kernel Patching for SAP - Subscription (1 year) - 1-2 sockets - ESD

HPE (Q1X74AAE) SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Kernel Patching for SAP - Subscription (1 year) - 1-2 sockets - ESD
Preis 611,54€ ohne MwSt = 739,96€ inkl. MwSt
Hersteller Hewlett Packard Enterprise Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Art.Nr. Q1X74AAE

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Main Specifications

Product Description SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Kernel Patching for SAP - subscription - 1-2 sockets
Operating System SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Kernel Patching for SAP
Product Type Subscription - 1 year
Licence Type 1-2 sockets
Media ESD
Service &Support New releases update

Product Features

  • Security &compliance
  • When a security loophole in the Linux kernel is identified,patching systems are the only way to minimize your exposure to a potential malicious attack. Patching often requires stopping the system. SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching is the answer. It allows you to apply Linux kernel patches without any downtime.
  • Zero execution interruption
  • Stopping the Linux kernel is problematic for low-latency applications such as simulations and real-time applications. These applications don't allow interruptions for even a millisecond,or they must be restarted. SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching doesn't stop the system during patching,ensuring that your mission-critical workloads run without downtime.
  • Fully integrated deployment
  • The patches in SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching are delivered as signed RPMs through a dedicated update channel. Introducing Live Patching into your established administrative process is simple because you can easily reuse your existing deployment methods.

    Main Specifications

    Description du produit SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Kernel Patching for SAP - abonnement - 1-2 connecteurs
    Système d'exploitation SuSE Linux Enterprise Live Kernel Patching for SAP
    Type de Produit Abonnement - 1 an
    Type de licence 1-2 connecteurs
    Support ESD
    Service et maintenance Mise àjour des nouvelles versions

    Vous recherchez une solution unique pour votre environnement SUSE? Le serveur SUSE Linux Enterprise de HPE dédiéaux serveurs HPE ProLiant avec prise en charge de la marque Hewlett Packard Enterprise offre aux entreprises un environnement d'exploitation Linux fiable et largement disponible pour toutes les versions prises en charge. Vous disposez d'un seul contact téléphonique pour le support matériel et logiciel et d'un interlocuteur unique.


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